Gemstone Recommendation by Date of Birth & Kundali, Gemstone Astrology

Gem recommendation tool

An Intelligently-designed Tool for Quick & Accurate Astrological Gem Recommendation

Gemstone Recommendation

Why wear gemstones?

Wearing gemstones has been a long-standing tradition in many cultures, believed to harness the energies of planets and improve various aspects of life. Astrological gemstones are thought to balance planetary influences and bring positive changes like better health, financial growth, or emotional stability.

Wearing gemstones in accordance with your birth chart (kundali) and auspicious grah (planet) is usually recommended. It is thought that the planetary alignment at the moment of birth has an impact on every facet of our lives. It is crucial that we wear only gemstones that complement our skin tones. Find out what gemstone is lucky for you based on your birth chart by using this Gemstone Recommendation tool.

The planets Mars and Venus are significant factors in arranged marriage, love marriage, and marital problems. If both planets are at a favorable place in your Horoscope then it implies that there will not be any problem in the marriage but if they are at some wrong position or with any negative planet in your kundli then they can produce many complications in your love or arrange marriage.
One can only recommend the precise gemstone after examining your birth chart. We also examine your Kundli for unfavorable and fortunate Yog, which have a significant impact on your horoscope. These issues will undoubtedly be solved by wearing a diamond.

It’s stated that Mercury is in charge of the Sharp Brain while Jupiter is in charge of education. Before making any comments regarding someone’s job, it is crucial to analyze the planetary combinations and the strength of their houses according to their Kundli. Education is influenced by the planets’ positions in the second and fifth houses. The ideal gem for you is determined by looking at your Kundli and finding the ruling planet that is most favorable for improving your job.

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We can suggest the ideal stone for you based on the planetary positions in your kundli’s second and eleventh houses as well as the analysis of your entire kundli. If your kundli contains any fortunate yog, wearing a jewel can enhance its benefits and help you make the most of it. But, if there is an unlucky yog, we can assist you in using a gem to counteract its effects.

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